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Does your LMS Resemble an Old Outdated Carnival Fun House?

Written by CYPHER Learning | Jun 26, 2023 5:20:02 PM

Remember when the fun house used to be fun? In its day, the fun house was the biggest sensation at the carnival. Visitors of all ages came driven by the sensory overload experience of pulsating lights, loud music, strange sights and sounds. Designed to be a fun and thrilling experience, there were mirrors to distort your reflection, spinning disks, moving floors, and optical illusions, and other delights that induced dizziness and excitement, and laughter. And there were tunnels with strobe lights, sound effects, and scary surprises hiding around each corner that led to mazes with dead ends that could make it difficult to find your way out. 

Funny thing is that one summer, the fun house was relegated from the main attraction to the back of the lot, replaced by new action attractions like the Tilt-a-Wheel and the Graviton. These new modern rides spun us around quickly, wildly, defying gravity, and raised the bar on excitement. And, suddenly, we had no interest in going back to the traditional fun house. Suddenly, the fun house was old, disjointed, and outdated, and obviously held up with borrowed and repurposed features and props. The sensory overload sensation that brought us joy and excitement now elicited headaches and boredom. 

Conventional learning platforms can seem a lot like the old carnival fun house. There's a few reasons for that. one, onventional platforms weren't created for today's modern learner and two, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives. So we expect more and it shades the way we perceive the older LMS where the user experience is typically outdated, antiquated, and not very fun to navigate. It doesn't foster collaboration, communication, and community, and conventional LMS typically doesn't integrate well or play well with other systems.

Modern LMSs make learning more interactive, immersive, and enjoyable than ever before. After experiencing the difference with advanced innovations like automation, AI, gamification, and social learning, it seems highly unlikely that modern learners would opt to return to a conventional LMS.

Boost learner engagement and unleashes learning potential with the CYPHER platform

Whether your legacy learning platform feels like a broken down fun house or like a broken down legacy learning platform, maybe it’s time to see why the CYPHER platform is getting so much attention. Boost learner engagement and unleash learning potential with the following features:

  • Personalized skills development and learning paths: Enable learners to practice and master the skills to meet the requirements of their roles now and in the future. With CYPHER, learners have regular access to the training they want and need–training that is aligned for their career paths, goals, and professional development. CYPHER skills development and learning paths give your organization the ability to deliver proactive, automated, spot-on learning recommendations and better engage, develop, and retain learners, and attract new talent as well.
  • A competency-based learning approach: Enable learners to progress at their own pace and demonstrate their mastery of a subject through valid and accurate competency assessments. Competency-based learning improves engagement by allowing learners to apply what they have learned in real-world situations and by helping organizations understand and determine the skills and knowledge most important for their business. Streamline many of the repetitive tasks that take up valuable time for educators and learners alike with automation. This includes everything from grading assignments to sending reminders about upcoming deadlines. Automate these tasks and free up more time for personalized learning experiences that truly engage learners.
  • Interactive and engaging site-wide gamification: Make learning more effective with gamification that aligns to learning objectives, student learning goals, and supports personalized individual learning experiences. This can include everything from leaderboards and badges to interactive simulations and puzzles. Gamification can help learners stay motivated and engaged while they acquire new knowledge and skills.
  • Purposeful and guided AI: CYPHER Copilot helps instructors to design courses and build curriculum, and create engaging and comprehensive courses in minutes - AND in your chosen language! Accelerated curriculum and course design, course outlines, descriptions and content in over 50 languages. With the power of purposeful and guided AI, create personalized learning experiences that adapt to the needs and preferences of individual learners. Analyze data on learner behavior to suggest personalized learning paths, recommend relevant resources, and even create customized assessments. Copilot enables you to:
    • Generate modules allowing the selection of materials that reflect individuals’ style and objectives in a fast and cost-effective way.
    • Create targeted assessments to track learner progression and identify gaps, including Rubric creation and question banks. Copilot helps trainers and educators to automatically generate detailed quizzes, games, and assessments to help evaluate learner progress.
    • Embed  gamification to increase learner engagement. Copilot gamifies courses to bring development to life and inspire learners, improving information retention and understanding to deliver better outcomes.
      Real-time feedback and progress and performance tracking allows both instructors and learners to monitor progress and identify areas for improvement. This feedback mechanism helps learners stay motivated and engaged in their learning journey.
  • Social learning features: Allow learners to collaborate and communicate with peers. This promotes a sense of community and encourages learners to share their knowledge and ideas, and work together, which enhances the overall learning experience. By leveraging the power of social media and collaborative learning tools, the CYPHER platform enables a more interactive and engaging learning environment. This can include everything from online discussion forums and group projects to peer-to-peer mentoring and coaching.

It’s time for a modern approach to learning: the CYPHER platform

When your legacy learning platform starts to remind you of an old fun house – it's time for a change. By embracing a modern learning platform that supports advanced technology like automation, AI, gamification, and social learning, you can create a modern, interactive, and engaging learning experience to meet the needs and expectations of modern learners.

Leave the old fun house behind and step into the future of modern learning! Welcome to CYPHER!

Learn more about the CYPHER platform for business.