K-20 Education and E-learning blog CYPHER Learning

Qatar March workshop recap: extending Qeducation and welcoming private school founding members

Written by CYPHER Learning | May 22, 2023 4:43:21 PM

The first blog of the Qatar March workshop series: Qatar March workshop recap: Empowering students, teachers and parents with digital technology for learning told how CYPHER, in collaboration with the Qatar Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MOEHE) and the private schools of Qatar, met to discuss learning solutions for advancing education led a workshop was held to:

  • Discuss the impact of the system on the educational journey of students, teachers and parents, as well as lessons learned
  • Review compelling Qatar Education platform features and characteristics
  • Extend the offering to the private schools of Qatar and create a Founding Members group

In this second post of the series, we share this video recap from the workshop and welcome fifteen new private school founding members who attended the workshop and chose to implement Qeducation at their school.

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Founding members include:

  • Beverly Hills International School (BHIS)
  • Eadad International Academy (EIA)
  • Vantage International Kindergarten
  • Almujtama Primary & Secondary Private Girls School

Founding members included schools who replaced a conventional LMS platform with Qeducation and schools who did not have an LMS before the CYPHER platform. Many of the private schools in Qatar use different curriculums than public schools (Qatar, British, American, and more) and many also support multiple language audience so Qeducation platform features like universal language translation, competency-based learning and assessment, skills development, community collaboration, reporting and analytics, and the modern learning platform really grabbed their attention, interest, and excitement.

Additionally, the successful implementation of QEducation, which is now used by all K-12 public schools received very positive feedback from all stakeholders. CYPHER has continued to work closely with the Ministry of Education (MOEHE) and add new enhancements and innovative features like Gamification to increase user (both teachers and students) engagement and the results achieved have exceeded the ministry’s expectations.

Welcome Qatar private school founding members!

We look forward to partnering with you and the MOEHE, forwarding the Qeducation initiative and making learning more engaging, meaningful, and effective on a learning platform built for modern learners.

Ready to experience firsthand how CYPHER can help your organization with a competency-based learning approach to make learning, fun, meaningful, and effective for modern learners? Schedule a free demo.