News » CYPHER Learning

INDIE says Hello!

Written by CYPHER Learning | Apr 2, 2019 7:00:00 AM

Welcome to the Entrepreneurs Blog! We’re so happy to have you here, dear reader! We hope you’ll visit us frequently from now on. We think you’ll like our blog posts. Why?

Because everybody is an entrepreneur now!

The rise of the knowledge economy made possible the rise of the knowledge entrepreneur. What you know is valuable and the online world is the perfect avenue for anyone to monetize their knowledge. And what better way to achieve that if not through the use of online courses?

Enter Entrepreneurs Blog

Whether you’re a freelancer working on your own, you have a small business and big ambitions for it, or you’re just thinking about becoming one or another, or simply starting a side gig, this blog is for you!

You’ll find here useful and various information about online courses and how you can use them to plan your success in your entrepreneurship journey. From how-to guides and practical tips on how to improve your online courses to news and trends about the industry — and everything in between — we got you covered!

Our team of experienced writers will make sure that your time spent on the Entrepreneurs Blog will be worth your while.

INDIE’s roots

We may be aiming for the sky (we simply looove the cloud), but you should know that our roots are firmly grounded.

The Entrepreneurs Blog belongs to INDIE LMS. We believe INDIE LMS to be the best learning management system for knowledge entrepreneurs. Check out its features and be prepared to agree with us.

In turn, INDIE LMS is a rather new product, launched in 2017. But it’s the third product of CYPHER LEARNING: MATRIX LMS has been around since 2010, while NEO LMS since 2009! In all these years we learned a lot about creating the best features of online courses for various audiences and since 2015 we started to share our knowledge with the world, through the Business Blog and the K-20 Blog. In three years’ time both these blogs climbed up into the first 5% of all e-learning blogs. Launching the Entrepreneurs Blog was a natural next step. Of course we hope to reach the 1% soon.

So, no matter if you only consider starting your online knowledge career with online courses, have already tested the waters or you have had a head start, know how awesome it is and want to keep on going, keep an eye on the Entrepreneurs Blog!