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Meet MATRIX at DevLearn 2017! - Business Blog

Written by CYPHER Learning | Oct 18, 2017 7:00:00 AM

Question: What inspires fear and excitement at the same time?
Answer: The FUTURE!

People have been afraid of the future since time immemorial. Not knowing for sure what tomorrow has in store for us can really be stressful. At the same time, thinking about the future and realizing our present actions can have an influence over it unleashed our creativity like nothing else could.

Fearful and excited, the world of workplace learning is galloping towards the future. Whereas the L&D industry has focused on training activities that provide people the opportunity to learn, the expanding availability of digital information and resources has made learning activities increasingly self-driven.

Mobile learning, bite-sized learning, gamification, blended learning, or video learning used to be things of the future. Now they are either basic requirements of a learning and development program or are becoming such.

Just as the visionaries from DevLearn say it,

The future is here.

New to DevLearn?

The DevLearn Conference and Expo is one of the major events hosted by eLearning Guild, one of the oldest and most trusted community and resources for e-learning professionals. It is the largest learning technologies expo in North America and 2017 marks its 12th edition. It will be held October 25 – 27 at The Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas, NV.


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DevLearn is the place where the future of learning comes alive, putting L&D people at the forefront of what’s happening in the learning industry. The conversations that happen here are shaping what’s next for learning.

That’s no wonder, since the people attending the event include Chief Learning Officers, Training Directors and Managers, Social Learning Managers, Learning Systems Analysts, LMS/LCMS Administrators, Training Specialists, Instructional Designers, and anyone looking to expand the use of learning technologies in their organization to ensure maximum impact with their training and development efforts.

The Expo Hall will gather together, besides the aforementioned attendees, more than 120 leading industry suppliers of learning technologies, tools, products, and services to help you discover what’s possible today and prepare for the L&D world of tomorrow.

Among them you’ll find MATRIX!

Meet MATRIX at DevLearn 2017!

Exactly one week from now the MATRIX team will be present in the DevLearn Expo Hall, eager to meet the people that will contribute to the shaping of the future of workplace learning.

Meet us at Booth #701!

Drop by our booth in any day of the event to meet the team, chat about what the future could have in store for the professional learning industry and see what we’ve been up to lately.

Overcome your fear of the unknown! In case you’re not already familiar with our amazing system, our team will be happy to hold a live demo for you to see how MATRIX LMS can work for your company. Bring your questions along and be prepared to have interesting conversations!

Get ready for exciting news! If you’re already a friend of MATRIX, drop by our booth to be among the first to learn about our plans for the future! We will be showcasing new features and also the recent improvements to our platform.

Leave with a present that you’ll use in the future! Probably the most exciting thing that awaits you at the MATRIX Booth #701 is the possibility to win an iPad! There will be other take-aways as well. May the odds of the future be in your favor!

For more information on what MATRIX has in store for you at the DevLearn Conference and Expo 2017, check out this page. Be sure to leave your contact details if you want to get our news about our booth activities instantly.

We’re all looking forward to meeting you at DevLearn 2017!