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The Entrepreneurs Blog turns 2!

Written by CYPHER Learning | Apr 15, 2021 7:00:00 AM

April has some extra special meaning for the INDIE team. Just two years ago, we published our first blog post. Since then, we went past the 200 posts mark. Each April, we look back to the previous year to reflect upon our progress in the e-learning blogging sphere.

While face-to-face interaction has been low in the past months, the blog’s pace did not slow down. We blog about online courses and learning technologies, so the online environment is our perfect host. We even made a little progress in this mighty list of e-learning blogs.

Now let’s have a look at the best performing Entrepreneurs Blog posts from the previous year:

Top 10 blog posts on INDIE

During the past 12 months, we explored various topics related to online courses and knowledge entrepreneurship, from course design to new marketing tactics, how to increase sales to using one tech tool or another — and more — sometimes through the lens of the global events affecting us all.

Although it was hard to decide which blog posts are the best of the best, here are 10 of them that we think deserve the spotlight:

  1. 8 Rules for success every entrepreneur should follow right now

    Owning a business is equally challenging and rewarding. Instructional design requires a hefty dose of creativity, a thorough knowledge of the audience, and the ability to adapt quickly to shifting demands. With the right connections and the proper mindset, being a knowledge entrepreneur is a rather good line of business at the moment.

  2. How to create scenario-based learning directly in your LMS

    Scenarios are exciting and full of surprises, which keeps learners engaged with the content for a longer period of time. More than that, there’s no need to invest in a platform to create scenarios (if you don’t want to), as your LMS’s content creation tool already has what you need.

  3. How to get feedback for your online course

    Asking for feedback puts you in a somewhat vulnerable situation, but it’s the only real way to find out what you can do better when designing your online courses. The feedback your learners give you about your course can be pure gold. This post explores four ways to get it.

  4. Adjusting your online course marketing strategy for 2020

    If you are an entrepreneur in the field of e-learning, you undoubtedly have the dilemma of whether or not a pandemic is a good time to invest in marketing. Even during these times, it’s essential to keep talking to your potential and existing customers. This post explores how to proceed.

  5. 5 Benefits of choosing the video format for your online course

    A video course facilitates learning by offering an interactive experience, and it increases engagement by involving the human presence. As a knowledge entrepreneur, you cannot overlook this alternative when trying to get your course across to your audience and deliver relevant content.

  6. 6 Useful tips on increasing your customer lifetime value

    With so much talk about staying afloat and riding the storm, it’s essential that entrepreneurs also focus on growing their businesses. Increasing customer lifetime value is an excellent way of ensuring a stream of revenue and a bright future for the brand.

  7. How to create an email course to grow your contacts list

    An email course is a great way to attract learners and build awareness for your online course business with quality content that doesn’t take a lot of time and commitment to make but certainly pays off. It’s a tried and true method to generate buzz and test your ideas before launching something bigger.

  8. 4 Types of online learning products you could be selling right now

    As the market for online learning has significantly increased in recent years, so did the variety of products related to online courses that entrepreneurs could be selling. This post explores some of the most popular online learning products that any course creator could be selling besides online courses.

  9. How to come up with and validate your e-learning idea

    Picking a subject for your e-learning course is paramount in how successful your product will be on the market. Careful research and planning will take you half of the way; for the rest, you’ll have to do your best to validate your idea.

  10. Why you need a competitive analysis for your e-learning business

    If you want your business to be profitable, you need to understand how the e-learning market works and what’s available out there, not just your corner of the internet. This post explores four main benefits of doing a competitive analysis.

And so ends our 10-item list of best performing INDIE blog posts in the second year of its existence.

Happy anniversary Entrepreneurs Blog!

INDIE LMS is proud of you. May there be many happy returns of this day!