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The K-20 Blog just turned 5! - K-20 Blog

Written by CYPHER Learning | Nov 17, 2020 8:00:00 AM

November has some extra special meaning for the NEO team. Each November, we look back to the previous 12 months, and then all the way back to the very first post published on the K-20 Blog, to reflect upon our progress in the e-learning blogging sphere. We’ve come a long way in the last five years!

While face-to-face interaction has been to its minimum in the last months, the pace of the blog did not slow down. We blog about edtech and e-learning, so the online environment is our perfect host. We actually made a little progress in this list, settling in the first 3% of all e-learning blogs.

Now let’s have a look at the best performing K-20 Blog posts from the previous year:

Top 10 blog posts on NEO

Perhaps unsurprisingly, most of the best-performing blog posts on our blog this year are related to remote learning and hybrid or virtual classrooms. In the context of the global pandemic and the massive shift we all witnessed towards delivering instruction online and ensuring continuous education despite all challenges, we focused a lot on subjects related to edtech and its immense potential, as well as the human relationships that make distance education possible — those between students, teachers, parents, and school administrators. Here are the top 10 blog posts on NEO from the previous 12 months:

  1. The 9 elements of Digital Citizenship your students need to know

    As digital citizens, students need to be aware of their behavior online, that it can have good and bad consequences, both for themselves and for others. So let's explore the nine elements of Digital Citizenship your students need to know.

  2. Why e-learning is key to building disaster-proof education

    Amid the disasters we face today, while most schools are closing down and temporarily suspending classes, teaching and learning can continue using different digital tools for education. More importantly, we can make education disaster-proof with a little creativity and a touch of technology.

  3. Top 7 remote learning tips your students should know

    For the majority of students, school closures caused quite a shock and a significant disruption in their routine. To make this transition to remote learning smoother, teachers might find it useful to pass our seven remote learning tips on to their students and guide them throughout the process.

  4. Best practices for supporting parents with remote learning

    With schools under lockdown, parents have taken on the role of teachers, in addition to being caregivers and workers. Now more than ever, schools need to establish a good relationship with parents, as their actions and expectations play a role in remote learning as well, especially for younger students who have not yet developed the skills to set goals and standards for themselves.

  5. 5 Edtech tools to try out this year

    Each year it’s best to explore different digital tools in the classroom to see what kind of an impact they will make on students and learning. With so many options out there, finding the ones that will benefit our students can take some time. However, there are enough that are easy to get started with and offer ready-made lessons or activities, which is a plus for busy educators.

  6. Distance learning during the pandemic: Improvise. Adapt. Overcome!

    Education has been disrupted for millions of students of all ages across the world, constraining schools and educators to fall on distance learning and education technologies to ensure the continuity of learning. Schools need all the available support to cope with the challenge of adapting to distance learning, but they know they can rely on an LMS in these challenging times.

  7. Applying Universal Design for Learning in remote classrooms

    When given time and the necessary tools, teachers can create lessons that are inclusive of all learners, regardless of the setting. With a UDL curriculum in place, the majority of teachers’ work will be to create strong emotional connections with remote students and letting them know that they belong to a community of learners where everyone is valued.

  8. How to keep parents engaged in school activities using an LMS

    Using technology to set up an interlinked ecosystem between the school, students, and their parents, where there is regular communication and transparency, requires just a bit of effort at the beginning and the right platform to support this. However, doing this will make a positive difference for everyone involved.

  9. 10 DOs and DON’Ts in Project-Based Learning

    If we want to raise our children to be independent, creative, and self-sufficient, project-based learning might help a lot. Moreover, PBL can boost social and soft-skills, as working on a project implies collaboration and communication with colleagues. So let’s explore a few tips and tricks on how to create the right conditions for the right results in project-based learning!

  10. 6 Ways in which an LMS is central to an effective e-learning strategy

    Schools can take advantage of the current situation to implement an effective edtech strategy and centralize all their learning resources and student progress data. This enables schools to save time and provide more accurate evaluations, freeing up teachers to dedicate more attention to the individual student’s needs.

And these were the top-performing ten posts on the K-20 Blog from the fifth year of its existence.

NEO White paper: Ensuring continuous education in the hybrid or virtual classroom

Happy anniversary, K-20 Blog!

This year, the NEO team celebrated this blog anniversary remotely, from the many home offices we have.

Happy anniversary, K-20 Blog! NEO LMS is proud of you. May there be many happy returns of this day!