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Best practices / EDUCEM

Revolutionizing education with fast course creation

Over 2,500+ courses in just one month, saving cost, time, and improving student outcomes


Founded in 2002, Instituto Universitario del Centro de México (EDUCEM) is a private educational institution in Mexico dedicated to promoting and supporting the life projects of 30,000 students, from preschool to PhD, including virtual modalities. With a focus on accessibility and flexibility, EDUCEM provides education in several locations in Mexico and offers a variety of online programs tailored to the needs of both traditional students and working professionals. Leveraging the power of generative artificial intelligence with CYPHER Learning AI 360 with Copilot, EDUCEM developed 2,561 courses in just four weeks, significantly improving the educational experience for its students. Integrating AI technologies into education fosters a more immersive and interactive learning environment, improving student retention and skill development.

“CYPHER AI 360 with Copilot allows us not only to expand our reach to students but also to reduce costs and execution times.”

Patricia Mena Hernández, President






30,000 Students

The challenge

  • Navigating the transition to a virtual environment
  • Controlling content quality
  • Addressing the high dropout rates
  • Balancing time and cost efficiency

Transition to virtual environment: the institution was shifting to a virtual learning environment and needed a platform to address cost and time challenges.

Content quality: surveys revealed that students were not engaging with our LMS platform, not because of its functionality but due to low quality, flat and unengaging content. This highlighted the need for more dynamic and interactive materials to maintain student interest.

High dropout rates: Private institutions in Mexico face a high dropout rate, exceeding 30% due to lack of accessibility, costs, and engagement.

Time and cost efficiency: Traditional methods of course creation were not only time-consuming but also financially burdensome. There was a pressing need to streamline this process without compromising on quality.

"One of the biggest challenges in education in Mexico is the high dropout rate and access to international standard technologies in an accessible and equitable way for everyone. At EDUCEM, we are committed to addressing these challenges, democratizing technology, and demonstrating that it is possible to keep pace with international academies in adapting innovative technologies."

Patricia Mena Hernández, President

The solution

  • Integrated Generative AI for course creation
  • Structured implementation to ensure content met requirements
  • Dynamic content to increase engagement
  • Elaborate teams to create content

Generative AI integration: EDUCEM integrated CYPHER Learning AI 360 to automate and accelerate course creation. This involved utilizing the platform not only to develop engaging and dynamic content, but to cut costs, save time, and improve students’ outcomes.

Structured implementation: A detailed instruction manual for CYPHER AI 360 was developed, ensuring that the AI produced content that met specific EDUCEM's requirements.

Engaging content: Courses were redesigned to be visually appealing and dynamic, with AI-generated content that included short, 1-3 minute videos to keep students engaged.

Elaborate teams to create content: 60 educators from high school, college, and postgraduate levels formed teams of 10, creating, implementing, and evaluating each course. 

“Inclusion is a fundamental pillar for EDUCEM, and we are proud to provide personalized, interactive, immersive, and accessible learning experiences for all our students."

Patricia Mena Hernández, President

The results

  • 400x improvement with rapid course creation
  • 2,561 courses created in 4 weeks
  • 15% reduction in annual dropout rates
  • Projected to boost enrollment by 10%

Rapid course creation 400x improvement: 2,561 courses in 4 weeks, allowing just one educator to work simultaneously on up to 5 courses on their computer. Traditional methods would have taken over 18 months, involving higher costs and three times as many personnel.

Time efficiency: The use of CYPHER AI 360 significantly reduced the time and cost associated with course creation. Traditional content creation requires 40 hours per single hour of educational content. CYPHER AI 360 enabled the creation of an average of 106 courses per day, or approximately 10 courses per hour. 

Dropout rate reduction and increased enrollment: High school and college dropout rates in private institutions in Mexico exceed 30%. EDUCEM with CYPHER AI 360 projects a 10% to 15% reduction in annual dropout rates. Access to affordable, modern education is estimated to boost enrollment by 10%.

Centralized learning hub: CYPHER AI 360 became the central hub for all educational activities, fostering collaboration among teachers, and serving as the go-to platform for resources and communication. 

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true EDUCEM header-educem 2,561 courses in 4 weeks “CYPHER AI 360 with Copilot allows us not only to expand our reach to students but also to reduce costs and execution times.” Patricia Mena Hernández, President