CYPHER Learning

Image for Go from boring to brilliant with a modern learning platform: Six ways CYPHER injects fun into learning
Go from boring to brilliant with a modern learning platform: Six ways CYPHER injects fun into learning

Traditional learning management systems are often associated with boredom and monotony, a necessary evil for delivering mandatory training and compliance courses, and meeting requirements, but it does...

Image for 3 Key findings revealed in recent CYPHER Learning survey on workplace development
3 Key findings revealed in recent CYPHER Learning survey on workplace development

CYPHER Learning recently worked with independent surveyor Censuswide to survey 4,000 workers – from owners and C-level executives to entry level employees. 2,000 employees from the United States and 2...

Image for The difference between a modern LMS and conventional systems
The difference between a modern LMS and conventional systems

Online learning is more relevant than ever in today’s business training environment, and companies continue to adapt their training to the needs of the modern employee who can no longer engage in in-p...

Image for What is competency-based Learning? Part 2: Assessment and demonstration of competency
What is competency-based Learning? Part 2: Assessment and demonstration of competency

In the first part of this series, we discussed a different, better, and more effective way to learn: competency-based learning. This next post is about the assessment and demonstration of competency u...

Image for The green dot - feeling connected when we're apart
The green dot - feeling connected when we're apart

Most online learning platforms aren't doing enough with social learning A vitally important key to successful online learning is social learning: the ability to interact, network and feel a social con...

Image for What is competency-based learning? Part 1
What is competency-based learning? Part 1

If you’re trying to create an amazing learning management environment for your organization, CYPHER offers a different, better, and more effective way to learn called competency-based learning. Compet...

Image for Learning management integrations made easy with Connect by CYPHER
Learning management integrations made easy with Connect by CYPHER

These days, how we work and learn feel like they’re in a constant state of change, and businesses are struggling to keep up with it all. With all of this change, How does your organization: Maintain p...

Image for New features roundup: 4 ways CYPHER is modernizing learning management
New features roundup: 4 ways CYPHER is modernizing learning management

Innovation at CYPHER never stops! Whether it is a big feature set like skills development or a smaller feature that significantly improves the user experience, we are focused on delivering the learnin...

Image for 9 Types of LMS assessments for evaluating employee skills
9 Types of LMS assessments for evaluating employee skills

Corporate learning is continuously evolving, but what's certain is that learning management systems (LMSs) are the preferred technology, with 82% of organizations using it. It's a big step forward for...

Image for How managerial training programs benefit your business
How managerial training programs benefit your business

Every C-suite executive knows that even the most experienced managers can benefit from consistent learning and development. This is where managerial training programs can be hugely beneficial. Besides...

Image for 4 Skills development activities for real-world knowledge building
4 Skills development activities for real-world knowledge building

Skills development activities can take many forms. From traditional methods that require all employees to be present in the same training room and listen to a seminar or go through a presentation to m...

Image for What is customer training? Benefits and how to successfully create it
What is customer training? Benefits and how to successfully create it

When we hear about corporate education, the first thing that comes to mind is employee training. This is the most common type of training since it has an immediate and direct impact on company perform...

Image for The top 4 employee requirements that a skills development program has to address
The top 4 employee requirements that a skills development program has to address

This article was originally published in eLearning Industry on July 11, 2022. When employers assess the rationale for a skills development program, they usually focus too much on the business need to ...

Image for Competency-based workplace learning: How to figure out which skills employees need
Competency-based workplace learning: How to figure out which skills employees need

This article was originally published in eLearning Industry on July 26, 2022. In today’s fast-paced corporate world, employees are looking for companies that take into account their needs and preferen...

Image for How to ensure compliance in the workplace in 8 steps
How to ensure compliance in the workplace in 8 steps

Keeping your company compliant is essential, and not only because it’s mandated by law. Non-compliance costs businesses $1.6 million per year on average, according to CYPHER’s 2024 compliance report. ...

Image for Top 5 communication problems in the workplace and how to solve them
Top 5 communication problems in the workplace and how to solve them

Communication is essential to a smoothly running business. Organizations know this, and yours makes no exception. Or does it? Communication problems in the workplace are a lot more common than you thi...