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Business LMS

Free vs. Paid AI Services: Navigating the privacy and security landscape

Generative AI has transformed the landscape of content creation, enabling high-quality, efficient production at an unprecedented scale. However, when it comes to privacy and security, not all AI servi...

Learn how to create personalized corporate training programs with an LMS in 2024

Today's workforce is diverse and dispersed. Some employees are in the office, some are at home, some are traveling for work, and some do all three at various times. There's an interesting generational...

How to cultivate an agile mindset to foster high performing teams

Generally, when you hear the term “agile,” you might think about a person who is fast on their feet, always able to adapt or perform tasks easily. But agile has recently gained popularity as a buzzwor...

5 virtual training rules to maximize learner participation in online training

As global work dynamics shift, e-learning has become a major force in the corporate training realm. Virtual training, once a novelty, has added more options for learning experiences that were once cla...

3 practical tips to ace inclusivity in corporate training programs

To demonstrate effectiveness, training programs must be diverse and inclusive. But when it comes to employee training, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for every unique workplace or training env...

Unlock the Real Value of AI in Workplace Training

Discussions around AI continue to center around extremes. Some promise an AI utopia and others fear bleak scenarios. However, a tangible AI revolution is quietly unfolding in workplace development. As...

6 Skills every manager should master

Leadership has the potential to make or break any organization. Whether you’re leading a team, managing a project, or guiding an entire organization, effective leadership is indispensable. But what do...

Shadow AI: How to protect your business from its latest security threat

In a world that’s increasingly obsessed with efficiency and productivity, artificial intelligence, or AI, is quickly becoming a favorite tool across industries. Its ability to speed up everyday tasks ...

5 tips for boosting engagement using Zoom for online training

In an age of blended education and hybrid work environments, conference tools like Zoom have gone from novelties to non-negotiables. Whether you're an educator, corporate trainer, or learning and deve...

7 Factors that boost the transfer of learning

Investing in employee training is a strategic move that drives growth, creative thinking, and innovation. The real value of employee training, however, comes not just from the content itself but from ...

Why personalized training is vital in today’s neurodiverse workforce

A new study into workers found that more than a third (38%) of 16- to 24-year-olds identify with neurodivergent conditions such as autism, ADHD, and dyslexia. At the same time, the findings suggest cu...

10 Learning and development trends shaping the 2024 training landscape

The "new normal" has already set in, and organizations are facing challenges we've known about for a while, such as managing a remote workforce. Other struggles, like the battle for top talent, have r...

How to empower new hires with modern learning and development tools

Training and onboarding are critical steps for companies that want to succeed in a booming knowledge economy. But first, leaders must reframe the mindset behind traditional onboarding and human resour...

Celebrating National Apprenticeship Week: Embracing “skills for life” at every level

As the UK gears up for National Apprenticeship Week, it's time to highlight an important philosophy that should be integral to every organization's values: "Skills for life." “Skills for life” embodie...

Learning Management Integrations Made Easy with Connect by CYPHER

These days, how we work and learn feel like they’re in a constant state of change, and businesses are struggling to keep up with it all. With all of this change, How does your organization: Maintain p...

9 Types of LMS assessments for evaluating employee skills

Corporate learning is continuously evolving, but what's certain is that learning management systems (LMSs) are the preferred technology, with 82% of organizations using it. It's a big step forward for...

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