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Online training (2)

New employee onboarding software - benefits, features, and tips

The initial weeks of a new team member’s employment set the stage for their tenure at a company. Because the professional development journey begins in those first moments, it’s crucial to set new hir...

Best LMS for customer training to achieve successful learning outcomes

Many companies stick to learning and development for internal employees and team members, but producing learning outcomes for customers is emerging as a new, exciting trend. It’s not without good reas...

What is customer training? Benefits and how to successfully create it

When we hear about corporate education, the first thing that comes to mind is employee training. This is the most common type of training since it has an immediate and direct impact on company perform...

How AI will change corporate training in the near future

A version of this post was originally published in Entrepreneur on February 1, 2022. I’ve been in the education business for decades as a senior lecturer, trainer and CEO. When people ask me about the...

Overcoming the forgetting curve in training courses

L&D specialists constantly search for ways to create courses that are relevant, engaging and that can prove a positive ROI for the business. Teaching methods change, learning environments become incre...

What L&D professionals need to know about outsourcing training

Organizations have long gone global. Offices are scattered all over the planet, employees come from various cultures and have different expectations when it comes to their path within the company. Del...

The challenge of training in a digital world

This post was originally published on the Danish publication HR Chefen, on October 30 2017. Our world is full of contrasts: North and South, black and white, yin and yang, rich and poor. But what amaz...

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