Students are obsessed with technology and gadgets nowadays, so why can’t we use technology to keep them engaged while learning?
The education department is evolving on a global scale along with the techniques of teaching and learning. The traditional methods of education are being replaced by more interactive methods which are influenced by technology.
Advances in technology have made it possible to make classroom learning fun, engaging and interactive. Today’s students are a lot more tech-savvy than ever before. They have grown up with technology and have somewhat adapted to using it and can learn a lot more easily with it.
7 Reasons online educational tools should be used in your classroom:
- Technology driven education increases the learning and retention rates of the tech-savvy generation
- You get a lot more participation from your students with online learning
- Easy learning occurs, which is missing in theoretical lectures
- All tech tools are available online or at most, are just a download away
- Technology allows global learning
- Podcasts and classroom gaming are all part of the learning process
- Gives a somewhat personalized learning experience, especially with the use of video calling/conferencing

5 Technology tools to keep your students engaged in the classroom
- Online quizzes and contests. When you ask questions there are always students who won’t answer despite knowing the answer. Allow your students to post their comments and doubts online with their wireless devices and you will definitely engage your shy students and get a response.
- Educational podcasts. Reading can sometimes get boring to students so you can alternate between reading texts and listening to podcasts which will help break the monotony. This will keep your students actively engaged and animate your classroom discussions.
- Video-conferencing classroom technologies. Students in different geographic locations can attend a single lecture through video conferencing and online streaming. Video conferences can be set up using Skype, Google Hangouts and guest speakers can also easily address the students. Video conferencing helps reduce the travel costs and time required to give speeches at different places.
- Online educational games. Studies have indicated that video games can improve learning among your students so introducing some educational games may not be such a bad idea. This allows your students to apply and test whatever they have learned on a daily basis and also motivates them to challenge each other to continue learning outside the classroom. Using educational games is one of the best ways to make your students eager to learn.
- Electronic whiteboards. These are great for group instructions. They are used for group presentations which enhance learning and you can use them to teach different subjects. Electronic whiteboards are also interactive as you can project a diagram from a laptop onto the board and draw on it to help your students understand better.
Join with your sellers and integrators who can suggest which systems you can apply along with the right types of technology in your classroom. Resellers are the best people who can help and advise you on how to apply the right technology to meet your classroom needs.
All students tend to learn at their own individual pace. A mix of traditional and digital education can assist in personalizing lessons to teach in a more meaningful way.
I hope this article will help you understand that teaching can be a lot easier for both you and your students with the proper use of technology.