Teachers have always been at the core of society. They prepare students for their lives and careers, having a direct impact on what the future will look like. Educators work long hours and go the extr...

Today’s generation of students and teachers are battling more weighted issues than previous ones. We live in a society that now holds people to higher standards and is much more fast-paced and demandi...

Teaching constantly meets new challenges. If frontal lessons were the norm decades ago, things have changed significantly. The focus is now on students and making classes interactive by encouraging st...

An intelligent learning platform (ILP) for schools and universities might be the tool you’ll start using soon if you’re a teacher, academic institution leader, student, or parent. Schools and universi...

Creating goals is not an option but a must if you’re a teacher. You ensure long-lasting results by having a clear view of what you want to achieve in your classroom. The purpose of teaching goes far b...

Education is and has always been the field that autoregulates in order to provide students the tools to live, adapt, contribute, develop and create better outcomes for themselves and generations to co...

For learning to be efficient and produce long-lasting effects, it should be engaging. The more learning resembles a game, the more appealing it will be, which is the concept behind gamification. Compe...

Teachers want their students to be confident in their ability to reach their goals. The concept that best describes this confidence is student self-efficacy. Students with higher levels of self-effica...

Students have become more outspoken about the type of education they want. As a teacher, I constantly hear about their desire to learn by doing, see how things develop, contribute to and witness the r...

As a teacher or school administrator, you need to stay informed about many class and student-related aspects. Doing this in an old-fashioned manner by talking to each student or manually checking atte...

Students experience learning differently. Some may be able or willing to solve tasks on time, but others may struggle to do so. Teachers will always have students who can’t finish tasks in due time, f...

A learning management system (LMS) is a powerful tool that helps you streamline teaching activities and offer students a personalized learning experience. One of the main capabilities that enable such...

Online learning has been on the rise for a while, but it became the norm for almost everyone at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. While most students have returned to in-person learning, many have ...

Dear fellow teachers, For the past two years, I have been writing open letters that are meant to be fun and empathetic at the same time for welcoming the new year on a positive note. 2021 has continue...

Most parents and educators strive to find the right balance in education between the ability to cooperate and independence. Both are essential at school and in life. As social beings, we must learn to...

Computational thinking is an innovative approach to teaching that redesigns the STEM and ELA curriculums on a new framework. This framework focuses on turning students from consumers to content creato...