Previously, we discussed why building school-community partnerships is important and how it benefits students and teachers alike. In a nutshell, the most significant advantage is providing real-life e...

A version of this post was originally published in FutureScot, on October 5, 2021. Life is all about learning, no matter how young or old you are. If you close your eyes for a second and think back to...

As a teacher of the 21st century, there are many factors that you need to consider when it comes to your classes. You might remember your time in school and those teachers who managed to create a welc...

As a collaborative teaching strategy, the think-pair-share approach has sparked controversy among teachers. Is it a valuable strategy you shouldn’t overlook or is it just not worth the time? Is it ben...

Collaboration in schools is essential and a big component of learning. At the same time, when we think about collaboration, we mainly refer to student-student collaboration, teachers collaborating amo...

There is a growing need for STEM skills in the workplace, as it has been reported that there will be 3.5 million jobs available by 2025 that require STEM skills. In researching some recent statistics ...

Whether online or face-to-face, teachers are always looking for ways to create engaging learning experiences. Integrating presentations in teaching is an accessible way to bring technology to the clas...

A version of this post was originally published in Education Today, on August 31, 2021. The global pandemic has required many teachers, students, and parents to adjust to many changes in the education...

The fact that education is undergoing systemic changes is no news. Some of these changes are due to globalization, but the main “culprit” is technology, with its disruptive effects in all aspects of o...

Writing is seen as the topmost skill to master by students. Case in point, most Higher Education institutions require strong writing abilities. It’s no wonder that educators focus on writing from as e...

The concept of reflective practice is an essential part of the learning process. Taking the time to consider what you know at a moment in time lets you put things into perspective and see the gaps in ...

At the start of a new school year, especially with some unknowns when it comes to whether we will be full in-person or shifting between learning environments, having various tools available as educato...

The grading process is time-consuming. It can be overwhelming and frustrating. Grading can even influence what assignments they choose to give to students, anticipating the workload of marking each su...

Learning is the attribute of students, but it cannot happen without feedback, which is the attribute of teaching. Our students need us to guide them through their learning process and offer them feedb...

The move to asynchronous learning can have a steep learning curve, but it’s so important to have engaging materials for online-only classrooms. It goes without saying that blended classrooms also use ...

For the last year and a half, I’ve been more immersed in online education than offline. I started to use Nearpod as a complex tool where I could create complete lessons in my classes. That experience ...