As the educational landscape continues to evolve at a rapid pace, the debate between campus-based and online learning has taken on new dimensions. With advancements in technology, shifts in societal n...

It’s no secret that postsecondary institutions are struggling to retain students, especially in the wake of the pandemic. According to a Gartner report, stress, disengagement, and poor grades are the ...

Improving student retention is a critical goal for Higher Ed as demonstrated by the national college completion rate, which is stalling. A Lumina-Gallup Student Study found that 76% of bachelor’s degr...

Learning management systems (LMS) have many purposes and uses, but the main one should be to support all students on their learning journey. However, often the thought that goes into the LMS is around...

First impressions matter. The first encounter, the student onboarding process, between the student and college, sets the tone for the future relationship. When it goes wrong, it can contribute to stud...

The concept of hyflex classes gained popularity as pandemic lockdowns started to ease. More people wanted to go out in public, while others felt it was too soon. Like many other organizations, schools...

Teaching constantly meets new challenges. If frontal lessons were the norm decades ago, things have changed significantly. The focus is now on students and making classes interactive by encouraging st...

Flipped Learning and Higher Education are rarely found together in the same sentence. Well, rarer than I would expect at least. Perhaps that is the case because the idea of flipped learning is attribu...