It’s that magical time of the year again!
No, I'm not referring to Thanksgiving Day, nor to Black Friday, not even to Christmas; even though you can't really ignore all the hustle and bustle that has already started.
I'm talking about that magical time when the K-20 Blog first saw the light of the Internet! That happened waaaay back in 2015 (which in online time seems like a few decades ago). The K-20 Blog is now 4!
During the past 12 months we published exactly 102 blog posts, the number of the contributing authors grew to 23, and everyone’s work made the K-20 Blog advance into the first 4% of all e-learning blogs (based on this impressive list)! Hopefully this percent will get tinier and tinier over the years.
Top 10 blog posts on NEO
We touched on a variety of topics related to e-learning for schools and universities, from personalized learning to the usefulness of various edtech tools, to cybersecurity in schools, to how to meet students' various learning needs, and everything in between.
Although it was hard to decide which blog posts have been the best of the best, here are 10 of them that we think deserve the spotlight:
How to apply the Universal Design for Learning in the classroom
Even though students in a classroom may look alike, they each have a unique combination of background, strengths, needs and interests that affect their learning outcomes. Since classrooms are so diverse, curricula need to meet this diversity. However, most often than not, teachers need to meet the same curriculum goals for all their students. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is thought to be the solution for this.
14 Awesome examples of Critical Thinking edtech
The online world has a vast number of web and mobile applications and programs that claim to enhance critical thinking. Many of them may be simply edu-tainment, but there are others which are deeply engaging, well considered applications that do in fact challenge students in all the right ways. After separating the wheat from the chaff, here is a quality selection of Critical Thinking edtech.
6 Examples of classroom tech that improves education
Technology in the classroom has come a long way. It is now more accessible than ever to create interactive lessons, implement PBL projects, offer personalized learning and organize classroom activities. Here are 6 examples of classroom tech that improves education!
6 E-learning trends currently shaping up the industry
E-learning trends come and go. Some current trends that shape up the e-learning industry at the moment are rather new, others are currently under the spotlight, while others are proven tactics that will continue to lead to great results. Which one to follow? While this decision should be tailored to your specific classroom learning needs, here are a few trends that you might want to keep an eye on!
Exploring 4 types of Flipped Learning
Educators have adapted the already traditional Flipped Learning to meet the needs of different students with different abilities and skills and different degrees of knowledge, going through different stages of the approach. So let’s explore the four types of Flipped Learning.
The very best videos on the future of education
YouTube may be a rabbit-hole of clickable memes and fun compilations, but it’s also home to some essential watching for teachers and parents looking to understand not only key edtech trends, but also the nuances of current K-12 and higher education debates. So check out the very best videos on the future of education!
Practical examples of using edtech to successfully teach vocabulary
While learning the definitions of words is important, what is more important is for students to develop a deeper understanding of the connotations and usages of vocabulary words. Lucky for us, edtech provides us fun and easy ways for students to make real-world connections to words and opportunities to practice using the words.
The benefits of an empathic mindset approach to classroom management
Adopting an empathic mindset approach to classroom management comes with many benefits. Teachers who empathize with students will take less drastic disciplinary approaches and therefore the student-teacher relationships are improved. In turn, teachers find it easier to manage their class.
38 Time-saving hacks every teacher absolutely needs
On a fundamental level, when we save time we are also in fact creating time, creating spaces for more experiences, learning — or in most teachers’ cases — a well-deserved nap! So without wasting any more of your precious time, discover 38 time saving tips for teachers!
Thinking differently about dyslexia in the classroom: Part 1
Dyslexia, and its lesser-known cousin, Dyscalculia are defined as a brain-based learning difficulties related to either reading, or to the difficulty in learning or comprehending arithmetic. Dyslexics think differently — perhaps it’s time our classrooms think a bit more like them, rather than forcing them to think more like us.
And these were the top-performing 10 posts on the K-20 Blog, from the fourth year of its existence.
Celebrating the 4th anniversary of the K-20 Blog
The NEO team don’t really need a reason to enjoy home-made cupcakes, but since the K-20 Blog is now 4, the cupcakes we had were even more delicious!

Happy anniversary, K-20 Blog! NEO LMS is proud of you. May there be many happy returns of this day! (And also cupcakes!)