What’s your learning velocity score?

See how your learning culture measures up! Are you holding on to old training habits and baggage that no longer serve you? Find out if you're lagging or leading.

Take the assessment now

Static learning is costing you more than you realize

$8.9 trillion
cost to the global economy annually in lost productivity from disengaged employees -
more likely to innovate if companies have effective learning cultures are -
Nearly 40%
of organizations can’t measure if their learning strategies impact performance -
Brandon Hall Group

Traditional training creates disengagement, widens skill gaps, and wastes resources. It’s not just outdated — it’s harmful to your growth.

The habits we need to unlearn.

What’s wrong with learning today? Learning systems have become a fixed map in a world that demands a GPS. These outdated habits keep businesses stuck:

Learning as an event

Scheduled, rigid, and static instead of continuous and adaptive

Metrics that mislead

Completion rates and attendance don’t show real progress or ROI

Top-down design

Training created in silos, disconnected from the people who need it most.

Think of the last mandatory training you attended. Did it inspire you? Equip you to perform better? Probably not.

Introducing Learning in Progress (LIP)

Learning in Progress is the operating system for modern business growth.

It’s a framework that makes learning pervasive, flexible, and performance-driven. From onboarding to leadership development, LIP helps to ensure learning happens wherever it’s needed, when it’s needed. 

Anchored by the "Three Ms" — Movement, Metrics, and Mindset — LIP empowers businesses to:

  • Scale learning beyond L&D to empower every team
  • Drive measurable outcomes with six essential KPIs
  • Shift from training as an obligation to learning as a competitive advantage

Learning happens in the moment, embedded in how teams work


Six KPIs replace vanity metrics, tying learning directly to business outcomes


A culture of curiosity and adaptability turns learning into a strategic advantage

This isn’t just about doing learning better -
it’s about making learning the backbone of your organizational velocity.

See where you stand.

How much does your organization practice learning growth and velocity? Take the Learning Velocity Assessment to reveal:

  • Your learning velocity score
    See where your organization stands within the 3Ms framework — Movement, Metrics, and Mindset
  • Discover your strengths and gaps
    Understand how well your current learning strategy supports velocity and measurable outcomes
  • Personalized recommendations
    Get tips to address key gaps and accelerate your progress toward a, future-ready learning culture

Real results. Real impact.

Proof that Learning in Progress works. Organizations like yours are already achieving transformative results.

cost savings and 600+ hours saved monthly
courses launched in 8 months, driving 10 internal promotions
Vanuatu Institute
saved, with a 50% productivity boost

Learning in Progress isn’t theory. It’s proven.

Explore the thought leadership video series

Dive deeper into the LIP framework through this exclusive video series, Learning in Progress: Insights with John Kannapell.

Are you ready to unlearn?

In a world of constant change, the organizations that succeed are the ones that learn and adapt fastest. Don’t wait — take the first step toward Learning in Progress.