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Top 5 LMS benefits for HE students

The development of learning management systems for HE institutions

  • Started with meeting the needs of administrators
    (know which student is enrolled in which course, what grades they have or if the tuition has been paid)
  • went on to meeting the needs of professors
    (create engaging lessons online, assess student knowledge and better communicate with them)
  • and finally meeting the needs of the students.

Here are five benefits that an LMS brings to students of Higher Education

  1. Various and engaging learning content

    • Lectures in video format
    • Visual graphics
    • Interactive learning scenarios
    • AR
    • VR
    • 360° simulations
    • Gamification

  2. Self-paced courses

    • Student agency
    • Control over their learning process
    • Less peer pressure
    • Higher participation rates

  3. Competency-based courses

    • Many HE students are actually working adults.
    • Competency-based courses allow students to skip the content they already know and spend more time on those parts of the course they have not mastered yet.

  4. Online collaboration tools

    • Instant messaging
    • Online chats
    • Blogs
    • Wikis
    • Shared calendars
    • Community groups

    All accessed through the same platform that is used for learning-related activities.

  5. Holistic view of own performance

    LMS learning analytics allow HE students to:

    • assess their progress
    • develop learning plans based on their learning goals
    • improve their personal learning performance.

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