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5 Novel ways an LMS makes you a tech-savvy teacher

Being a teacher is probably one of the most rewarding professions. However, it is just as challenging regardless of the subject and class level. By including technology in the classroom, teachers can not only prepare students for the 21st century skills, but they can also simplify their lives.

An LMS reduces the amount of time educators spend on certain tasks and animates the content they are teaching. Read on to discover five ways in which an LMS makes teachers’ lives easier.

  1. Learning on the go

    Although textbooks are becoming obsolete, a lot of teachers still use them to structure their lesson plans. Online materials are also handy, but not when scattered everywhere. With an LMS, it is simple to have all those materials in a single place, whether structured in learning paths or in the Resources area of a lesson.

  2. AI as a virtual assistant

    Back in the day, artificial intelligence (AI) was associated with Sci-Fi movies, not to talk about cloud hosting. Nowadays, students can use AI on a daily basis which makes the learning process more enjoyable. For example, they can ask Alexa different questions related to their account to plan ahead and manage their time more efficiently.

  3. Improved analytics

    Gone are the days when teachers would use Excel docs to calculate their student’s grades. There is no need for pen and paper for analytics, as all of those can be scheduled online with an LMS. Teachers can get daily, weekly or monthly reports on the data they need. It also doesn’t hurt to get those notifications on mobile, and that’s exactly what an LMS does.

  4. Flexible teaching

    While the traditional classroom is the only powerful learning tool in many communities, it also confines in more than one way. Not only does every single student need to be present in person at school, but the teacher usually presents the information in the same format.

    An LMS provides multiple content formats, such as videos, podcasts, presentations, or webinars.

  5. Automated communication

    Teachers only have so much time on their hands. Yet, students also require a big chunk of their time and oftentimes parents need updates, too. An LMS reduces the time it would take to send those messages on different platforms, as all communication takes place in the same area.

    There is also an option to send automated messages when students haven’t logged in for a while and get in touch with parents through the mobile app.

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