Infographic CYPHER Learning

80% less work. 100% smarter.

How CYPHER AI 360 helps automate skills creation and mapping at every step

Discover the smarter way to easily and rapidly create and map skills to your course content. Remove the manual and time-consuming labor invested in course development. Unlike current tedious methods, CYPHER simplifies the process of developing courses and assessments, significantly reducing the time and effort required by L&D teams.

Step 1: Identify course objectives

Establish the main goals you want learners to achieve, including both broad objectives (like understanding key concepts) and specific objectives (such as mastering particular skills).

  • Current approach
    You do 100% of the work.
  • CYPHER AI-enabled skills development
    CYPHER does 80%. Create course objectives with CYPHER AI 360.
    You do 20%. Review and refine.

Step 2: Conduct a needs analysis

Determine the needs and expectations of the learners or industry the course targets. This helps identify the gap between current and desired skills.

  • Current approach
    You do 100% of the work.
  • CYPHER AI-enabled skills development
    CYPHER does 90%. The platform includes skill sets for thousands of job roles and offers the ability to automatically select and map these standardized skills to assessments allowing learners to know their initial skill level. If a required job role is missing, CYPHER can upload it and automatically handle keyword tagging.
    You do 10%. Review and refine.

Step 3: Break course into modules

Divide the course into sections or topics, with each module covering a specific aspect that supports the overall course objectives.

  • Current approach
    You do 100% of the work.
  • CYPHER AI-enabled skills development
    CYPHER does 80%. CYPHER AI 360 divides each course into the number of modules you request.
    You do 20%. Review and refine.

Step 4: Identify learning outcomes

For each module, define specific, observable, and measurable learning outcomes that learners should achieve upon completion.

  • Current approach
    You do 100% of the work.
  • CYPHER AI-enabled skills development
    CYPHER does 100%. Outcomes are mapped to previously defined skills.
    You do 0%.

Step 5: Define skills

Based on the learning outcomes, define the specific, actionable skills learners should develop, ensuring they align with the course.

  • Current approach
    You do 100% of the work.
  • CYPHER AI-enabled skills development
    CYPHER does 90%. The platform includes skill sets for thousands of job roles and offers the ability to automatically select and map these standardized skills to content and assessments.
    You do 10%. Review and refine.

Step 6: Organize skills

Group related skills under broader categories or themes to create structure in the skill framework by using a hierarchical or matrix organization based on the course complexity.

  • Current approach
    You do 100% of the work.
  • CYPHER AI-enabled skills development
    CYPHER does 90%. Skills are pre-organized with keyword tagging.
    You do 10%. Review and refine.

Step 7: Validate skills

Share the identified skills with subject matter experts for validation, and adjust based on their feedback to ensure accuracy and relevance.

  • Current approach
    You do 100% of the work.
  • CYPHER AI-enabled skills development
    CYPHER does 0%.
    You do 100% of the work. Working with others to validate.

Step 8: Develop assessment methods

Determine how you'll assess skill attainment by selecting methods like exams, projects, portfolios, or simulations that align with the specific skills and learning outcomes.

  • Current approach
    You do 100% of the work.
  • CYPHER AI-enabled skills development
    CYPHER does 80%. CYPHER AI 360 automatically assigns and maps assessments to the skills of each module.
    You do 20%. Review and refine.

Step 9: Evaluate and revise

Continuously assess the effectiveness of skills, learning outcomes, and activities. Gather feedback, analyze assessment results, and make revisions to enhance course alignment with the desired skills.

  • Current approach
    You do 100% of the work.
  • CYPHER AI-enabled skills development
    CYPHER does 80%. Skills can be refreshed and reapplied to a course, automatically updating quizzes and assessments with CYPHER AI 360.
    You do 20%. Review and refine.

Step 10: Communicate skills to learners

Clearly communicate the skills to learners at the start of the course. Provide an overview of the skills they'll develop, explain how these align with course objectives, and outline the assessment methods used to measure progress.

  • Current approach
    You do 100% of the work.
  • CYPHER AI-enabled skills development
    CYPHER does 100%. Learners will see the skills they will develop and their mastery level for each.
    You do 0%.
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