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5 Features every LMS should have

A Learning Management System should be considered an ecosystem made out of an array of features, that together form a complete learning and training solution. While there will never be two LMS vendors with the same exact features, there will never be two companies that need the exact same features in an LMS. However, there are a few core aspects of an LMS that should be part of any vendor's training solution and any company's must-haves. Here are 5 features every LMS should have:

  1. Customization features

    Since everything is about building a strong brand nowadays, it’s only natural for any client to be able to personalize a product they use. Every LMS should offer customizing and branding features such as: a custom logo, unlimited color schemes, labels and so on. This will support companies in portraying their brand through their LMS.

  2. Extensive reporting and analytics

    Looking good is nice, but having a brain is even more important. Big data is everywhere and making sense of it is paramount. That’s why the reporting and analytics tools in an LMS are very important for any company. Reporting features should include canned reports, ad-hoc reporting, and graphical analytics for key areas of the LMS.

  3. E-commerce integration

    For any organization operating in the knowledge economy creating and selling online courses besides the core services of products simply makes business sense. Therefore, an LMS must include e-commerce functionality, with options such as bundles, subscriptions, discount codes, and integration with popular payment gateways.

  4. Mobile version

    Considering the current technology advancements, learning management systems without a responsive design or mobile apps have so much to lose. Everyone is now looking for an LMS that will allow them to create and access all sorts of training materials through a user friendly interface anytime, anywhere, no matter what device they are using.

  5. Administration features

    Companies need to be able to manage their LMS smoothly. Whether they know exactly what they need or discover that one click at a time, all configuration options should be consolidated in a single location, to ensure that administrators can easily enable and disable features, manage enrollment, monitor employee performance, and more.

Check out over 20 features that our LMS for business has.

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