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From skills to success: L&D insights for the modern workforce

The state of corporate L&D in 2024. Insights and challenges from a survey of 4,500 workers.

Well-trained, productive employees are a principal engine for business success. But our latest research shows that inadequate learning and development is holding workers back, leaving them without the skills to progress up the ladder. As a result, many feel marginalized, dissatisfied and disengaged, which is threatening employers' ability to compete.

Key survey findings

What people want

89% of workers would feel motivated and enthusiastic if offered bespoke training for their role - with training in soft skills such as leadership being the most highly coveted.

Perks and pitfalls

Almost a third of employees (30%) say the training they received has been "exceptionally rewarding” – but 70% are looking for more when it comes to L&D.

However, 16% of workers have had no workplace training in the past year - a quarter of whom say their organization has no training programme at all.

Engagement and motivation

43% say their company’s insufficient workplace training is holding them back from advancing their career - with 44% of 18-34 year olds looking to change jobs because of a lack of training and development.

69% of workers would welcome guidance and training to help them navigate the ‘unspoken rules’ of the workplace - but 54% do not trust HR to look out for their interests.

No skills tracking

38% of organizations have no formal means of capturing information on employee skills or tracking employee progress.

Ineffective managers

Over half of workers (53%) say their manager is under-equipped to help them progress in their career - with 55% saying their manager doesn’t know enough about the skills they (the respondents) have.

Read the full CYPHER Learning report - From skills to success: L&D insights for the modern workforce.

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