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LMS features that companies want

By 2023, the LMS market is expected to cross the $22 billion mark. While that is great news for LMS vendors, it also means that there will be fierce competition between LMS vendors. As the industry becomes more competitive, many LMS developers are introducing flashy new features to their products in order to stand out from the crowd.

While this trend has introduced the e-learning industry to some great features, there are others that add no value to the life of the end-user and make the LMS more complex to use. If you have been playing with new ideas for your business LMS and are unsure whether they will contribute to your success, this infographic will help clear the confusion.

Here are the most in-demand LMS features that companies look for:

  1. Responsive design

    A major percentage of learners are using mobile devices. As a result, responsive design has become a critical factor when a business owner is comparing features. However, optimizing for mobile devices is not enough, your LMS design and layout should offer a consistent and seamless experience to the learners, regardless of the device they are using.

  2. Blended learning support

    Blended learning combines the best aspects of instructor-led training (ILT) and self-paced training. The common LMS features that support blended learning are instructor-led training management and the virtual classroom.

  3. Freedom to customize

    Be it an e-learning business or companies looking to deliver training to their employees, branding is an important goal for everyone. For this reason, the level of freedom to customize the LMS has become an increasingly important consideration for businesses.

  4. Robust reporting capabilities

    Organizations want data about how their employees and instructors are interacting with their courses. Similarly, instructors expect data about their learners. On the other hand, learners expect help with identifying areas that require improvement, along with information about their assessment results.

  5. User-friendliness

    This may be the last point on this list but it is by no means any less important. Flashy features are of no use if the end-user cannot take advantage of them. In fact, a complex user interface is one of the most common challenges that businesses face with LMSs.

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