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Providing personalized online training to remote workforces

Remote employee training is a hot topic right now as a consequence of the global health crisis. Change is indeed hard but also an opportunity in disguise. At the end of the day, people still need to develop their skills to do their jobs better.

Any successful training program has at least three aspects: content, time, and people. It has to provide the right content, at the right time, to the right people. To achieve this, instructional designers need to step up their game and deliver training programs that meet the specific needs of a remote workforce.

Here are the first three steps to take:

  1. Design on-demand training

    Remote employees need to learn how to avoid distractions, manage their time and other resources well, collaborate virtually, all while keeping up with the ever-changing developments in their industry. To help them develop all these skills, instructional designers should first perform a training needs analysis and then create relevant content in multiple formats.

  2. Embrace asynchronous training

    The most important thing to always keep in mind when adapting any training activity is quite simple: online learning doesn’t have to happen simultaneously as online teaching. Asynchronous (or self-paced) training gives more agency to employees and allows them to access training at the point of need. That is one of the most efficient strategies to ensure learning happens.

  3. Leverage technology

    There are many types of online tools remote workers have to use, but the most important is a learning management system (LMS), as it incorporates all the training content. A business LMS is a critical component of any online training program, allowing L&D specialists to design and deliver training to all employees across departments, work experience, and locations. It helps remote workers build the skills needed to perform in a virtual work environment.

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