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4 Tips for holding live training sessions via Zoom

Nobody knows for how long work from home recommendations will last, but they will still be around for a while. With many meetings happening on Zoom, you would expect that users got accustomed to the platform by now. Judging by the amount of funny bloopers posted on social media, people are still learning. The biggest pressure is on the managers’ and trainers’ shoulders, but everyone could learn how to avoid being unintentionally funny from these tips.

  1. Video and mic off when starting the meeting

    First impressions matter, so it is recommended to begin with the microphone and camera off while you figure out what is on the screen. After that, you can easily turn them on. Any noise will be heard by everybody, and it might be a good idea to avoid that in a professional environment.

  2. Use the annotation option

    Everyone is familiar with the share screen option by now, but the annotation feature tends to be overlooked. This function allows the facilitator to “draw”, “stamp” or “spotlight” on their whiteboard. The spotlight tool is great because it draws the eyes of the audience on where they need to be. It clears up confusion, and it eliminates distraction.

  3. Password the Zoom meeting

    There is a serious issue related to security on Zoom. The internet is full of tales of meetings and classes that were crashed by people who didn’t have the best intentions. For corporate training, information can be kept private by adding a password. Another good way to ensure that nobody else can take over the screen is by selecting “Only Host” under the “Who can share?” section.

  4. Mute when necessary

    Generally, trainers and facilitators want people to ask questions, share their experiences, and participate in their sessions. However, this is tricky with large meetings where most participants want to speak at the same time. Instead of trying to be louder than the crowd, facilitators can mute all participants and establish some rules for speaking.

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