The shift to remote and hybrid work has disrupted traditional peer-to-peer learning, leaving employees without quick access to the knowledge and support they need. With 77% of L&D leaders acknowledgin...

Our Voice of the Customer report is out, shaped by customer insights from trainers, L&D/HR, executives, and leaders across industries like training orgs, higher ed, healthcare, franchises, and more. D...

The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report made news last year with its prediction that 23% of jobs worldwide will undergo major changes in the next five years thanks to AI. We wanted to know ho...

Building on our 2023 research, we surveyed 4,500 workers within large organizations with 500+ employees across the US, UK, and Mexico to find out how attitudes have evolved and the impact L&D has on i...

More than a third of 16 to 24 year olds self-identify with neurodivergent conditions such as autism, ADHD, and dyslexia. Yet, research from CYPHER Learning highlights a huge gap in employee training —...

If you're trying to find the best LMS platform and implement partner training for your organization, where do you start? This eBook provides ten essential questions to ask partner training LMS vendors...

CYPHER Learning surveyed HR and business leaders across the US and UK to understand how they educate employees about workplace policies and procedures. We learned that although lack of compliance is r...

CYPHER Learning commissioned Sapio Research, a third-party research firm, to conduct a study of 400 HR and business leaders across the US and UK. The study aimed to understand their priorities for 202...

If you're trying to find the best LMS platform and implement extended enterprise learning for your organization, where do you start? This eBook provides ten essential questions to ask extended enterpr...

Learn how training companies and RTOs are modernizing their businesses for growth and efficiency. This eBook will help you understand how modern learning platforms and partnerships with training provi...