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Webinar CYPHER Learning

Global Chamber®️ Global education meet-up on AI and the future of education

Join us as we revisit the exciting Global Chamber®️ meet-up, featuring CYPHER Learning as a key participant. In this on-demand video, you'll gain valuable insights from our CMO and VP of Product Management, Jennifer Geisler, as she discusses how AI is reshaping the education landscape. Discover how our groundbreaking innovation, CYPHER Copilot, is revolutionizing teaching and training, focusing on enhancing, not replacing, the human touch.

What you will learn in this video:

  • Explore the transformative role of AI in the education sector.
  • Uncover the unique features and benefits of CYPHER Copilot, a pioneering AI-powered tool.
  • Gain insights into how AI enriches the teaching and training experience, prioritizing human collaboration and interaction.