White paper CYPHER Learning

Content standards for Learning Management Systems

Content standards are crucial for ensuring interoperability, scalability, and adaptability within Learning Management Systems (LMS). Standards such as SCORM, xAPI, AICC, IMS Common Cartridge, LTI, cmi5, H5P, PENS, and QTI guarantee that materials function across different LMS platforms. This white paper explores these, highlighting their advantages, limitations, and their influence on the future of e-learning. 

In this white paper, we give you:

  • An overview of major content standards
  • Pros and cons of each content standard
  • Challenges in implementing standards
  • Future trends in LMS content standards
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true https://www.cypherlearning.com/hubfs/docs/cypher/white-papers/CYPHER-Learning-Content-standards.pdf
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