Infographic For business

CYPHER AI 360: Closing the gaps on course development and delivery for L&D and trainers

See how CYPHER AI 360 closes time, speed, and cost gaps in course creation and delivery - including AI-enabled content creation, skill management mapping, assessments, AI Crosscheck, gamification, and so much more!

Everyday L&D and trainer gaps

Time gap
Never enough time

Developing quality content for a single course takes 430+ hours to build and launch, slowing down pipeline and other business aspects. L&D and trainers will never have enough time to bridge the gap - no bandwidth to map skills, assessments, or gamification to training content for better engagement and tracking.

Speed gap
Never enough people

L&D and trainers can’t keep up with the course and training demands from numerous business units on top of onboarding, compliance, and other duties. Plus, you receive requests to have programs and courses done…like yesterday! You can never move fast enough.

Cost gap
Never enough people

Traditional course development and delivery is expensive. You need multiple tools to produce one quality, comprehensive course – a cumbersome and complex endeavor costing you precious time, money, and energy. 

CYPHER closes the gaps for customers

What customers experienced after using CYPHER AI 360 on the CYPHER LMS. 

Closing the time gap
Develop and deliver courses faster to shorten time to market
Using CYPHER AI 360, 83% of customers surveyed say they can now deliver a course in less than 15 working days (compared to 14% before CYPHER AI 360). Bottom line? More time and energy to focus on learners and things that matter.

From 54 working days to 15 working days or less

Closing the speed gap
Update and elevate content more regularly to keep pace with change
Using CYPHER AI 360, 82% of customers surveyed say they can now update courses at least 1x per year (compared to 53% before CYPHER AI 360). Bottom line? More agility and flexibility to update content as trends and needs change.

From less frequently to more frequently

Closing the cost gap
Reduce costs and reallocate savings to other L&D and HR needs
Using CYPHER AI 360, 77% of customers surveyed say course creation will now cost less than $1K per course (compared to 32% before CYPHER AI 360)! With traditional LMS, LXP, and course development tools, one course typically costs more than $10K to create. Bottom line? Free up funds that can be optimized for other critical L&D and HR programs. 

More benefits of CYPHER AI 360

Respond to market demand faster
69% - Accelerated time from course creation to use in instruction

Scale training programs effectively
62% - Can create more courses to meet demand

Increase work / life balance
57% - Have more free time to do other things

In today's fast-paced world, developing and deploying high-demand courses can be challenging due to limited time and budgets. CYPHER is the answer.

CYPHER puts the power of generative AI at your fingertips to help speed and scale personalized learning with control and credibility. It’s the first and only platform to combine LMS, LXP, and course development - powered by AI, that helps you reclaim time and money from tools and platforms that overcomplicate and underdeliver.

Our customers get:
  • Elevated learning experiences
  • Learning that moves at the speed of business
  • Measurable, impactful learning with maximum ROI
  • Scalable personalized learning
  • Reduction of incremental demands for money and resources

We make “just in time, just for you, just the way you want to learn,” a reality. Choose CYPHER. It just makes sense.

Available on the CYPHER Learning AI-powered learning platform
More about CYPHER AI 360

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