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COURSE DEVELOPMENT POWERSCreate courses faster than ever

Faster than you can floss and brush your teeth! Meet AI 360 with Copilot, your AI-powered course creation companion.


Take a quick tour to see how CYPHER AI 360 works

While your competitors have generic, outdated courses, you can create and update courses faster than you ever thought possible. What’s more? Your course content can be mapped to competencies, assessments, gamification - complete with reporting…in minutes. This is true “just in time, just for me, just the way I want it” learning. 

Let AI 360 do the mundane work. You focus on what matters most.

Pulling an entire course together is a lot of work. It takes about 430 hours to create just one comprehensive course. From content creation to competency mapping to creating assessments to adding imagery to making it fun to developing study guides to tracking progress…no wonder you’re stretched and stressed. CYPHER AI 360 can decrease the administrative burden of course creation and do 80% of the work. It’s content development and course creation the way you want it.


Their way

Clunky and basic


Your way

Innovative and sophisticated

Generalized content creation from Internet
Upload own resources to create a course
No integrated skills development or competencies
Automated mapping of content to competencies
No integrated assessments
Automated mapping of assessments to content
No integrated gamification
Automated gamification mapped to course
No integrated AI imagery
Choose different AI-synthetic images
No integrated AI voiceover
Choose from 30+ AI-synthetic voices
No integrated customization
Customize your course with your tone, brand, content
Limited language translation
Create a course in 50+ languages
Create courses from the content you already have

Use AI 360 to upload a resource (video, PDF, etc.) to create customized courses unique to your terminology, processes, brand, and culture. You choose what content is included and what isn’t. Great for creating courses for:

Transform static courses into engaging experiences

Create engaging, multisensory experiences with CYPHER’s cutting-edge voice synthesis capabilities. Explore 35+ voices. Easily adjust reading speeds.

Create a course in a few minutes for a few dollars

AI 360 helped businesses and academic institutions create and deliver courses in record time and with less resources. Here are results from our AI 360 customers…

"In the industry, it takes a minimum of 40 hours to create an hour's worth of content. Here you’re getting to 80-90% in 10 minutes…it’ll just knock your socks off to see all of the steps you used to have to do manually that you don’t have to do anymore."

John Leh

John Leh

Talented Learning

CYPHER content development powers you can’t live without

Automated course creation in minutes that you can edit any way you want. See all the CYPHER AI 360 powers that will accelerate the way you work. It will forever change the way you create courses - for the better.

Course customization

Customize your course with your tone, brand, content. Upload PDFs, docs, video, etc.!

More AI 360

Automated mapping content to competencies

Competency and skills mapping with 3000+ already preloaded

More CBL

Automated mapping content to assessments

AI-created question banks, quizzes, and assignments (automatically mapped to rubrics!)

Learn more

Automated mapping content to gamification

Automatic creation of awards and badges to recognize learner achievements

Learn more

AI synthetic imagery

Have AI generate images for all your modules! Or use an existing library of images and videos

More AI images

AI synthetic voiceover

Choose from multiple types of AI synthesized voice overs or use your own for any course

More AI voice over


50+ languages – Create a course in a language you want

More languages

Content integration choices

Choose from a flexible selection of custom-made and ready-made content collections

More content

Choose your powers!
Your path. Your pace. Your potential.

Start your journey with our Learning Management System (LMS) for solid foundations, then amplify your capabilities when the time is right. Elevate your learning initiatives with our Learning Experience Platform (LXP) capabilities for personalized and engaging course delivery. And when you're ready to create courses using your own content, unlock the full potential of leading AI innovation with our robust course development tools.

It's your path, your pace, your powers – tailor your learning journey your way.



Give learners what they need, before they need it

Our award-winning learning management software that helps you move faster on learning initiatives than ever before.

More LMS


Deliver highly personalized learning in less time

LXPs are more than just a new LMS—it’s a whole new way for all to learn and grow while saving time and resources.

More LXP


Build courses faster—no experience required

AI 360 with Copilot accelerates the creation of competency-based, gamified courses, with assessments in minutes.

More AI 360

AI 360 with Copilot FAQs

We are currently seeing an average of 5 to 10 minutes to create a comprehensive course including assessments, gamification, competency, and more. Though AI 360 with Copilot can get 80% of the mundane work done in minutes, the final 20% still needs human intelligence to validate the content and overall learning experience. Afterall, it's called Copilot, not auto pilot.

We use a variety of AI technologies including ChatGPT. At CYPHER, we take a holistic approach called AI 360 - a thoughtfully guided and purposeful packaging of AI to benefit everyone involved in the learning experience.

Yes! So, what is built is automatically on the platform.

Same as it always has been when a customer creates a course within the platform - the customer owns the course.

No. AI 360 with Copilot is guided and meaningful with AI-packaged up behind the scenes. You don’t need to be trained on how Microsoft Word works, you just need to know how to use it. Right? Same for AI 360 with Copilot.

If you used ChatGPT this is what you would need to do for a single course with the assumption that it would require 150 inquiries to use ChatGPT to create a course.

  1. Identify the 150 inquires (questions) you need to ask ChatGPT
  2. Ask ChatGPT 150 questions
  3. Consolidate all the responses
  4. Put the responses in a course template
  5. Remaining steps are manual such as formatting, gamification, assessments, competencies mapping, and rubrics mapping. Not to mention you'll need to manually add and source visuals, video, and audio options. 

So while useful to get base content, that is ChatGPT where it stops.

3000+ skills/competencies are already preloaded:

  • Skills / Competencies for over 1,500 jobs that map to US Dole, O*NET and ESCO standards
  • Skills / Competencies for over 1,500 courses that map to USA, Philippines and Brazil standards

Additional skills / competencies can easily by added upon request. You can add your own as well!

It’s real - this is NOT a BETA release. Customers are already using and experiencing significant savings in time and cost from AI 360. CYPHER is the first and only company to leverage AI for customers to upload their own resources such as video and PDFs in order to create customized courses using their own brand, terminology, and style. Beyond this astonishing capability, innovation and automation are foundations of the CYPHER platform. AI is integrated across and into our core capabilities. AI is not an afterthought nor was it shoehorned into our platform.

A rubric is a scoring tool that explicitly describes the instructor’s performance expectations for an assignment or piece of work. A rubric identifies:

  • Criteria: the aspects of performance (e.g., argument, evidence, clarity) that will be assessed
  • Descriptors: the characteristics associated with each dimension (e.g., argument is demonstrable and original, evidence is diverse and compelling)
  • Performance levels: a rating scale that identifies students’ level of mastery within each criterion

Rubrics can be used to provide feedback to students on diverse types of assignments, from papers, projects, and oral presentations to artistic performances and group projects.

The time required to create a rubric can vary depending on various factors, including the complexity of the task, the level of detail desired, the subject matter, and the experience of the person creating the rubric. Given these factors, it is challenging to provide a specific time frame for creating a rubric. It could range from a few hours for a relatively straightforward task to several days or even weeks for a more complex assessment. Plus, the rubric is typically an ongoing process.

Creating and mapping competencies in a course can be a time-consuming process that depends on various factors. Here are some considerations that can influence the time required:

  1. Course complexity and scope
  2. Expertise and familiarity
  3. Collaboration and feedback
  4. Curriculum design and alignment: Mapping competencies involves aligning the learning outcomes, assessments, and instructional activities with the desired competencies. This requires careful consideration of how each component of the course supports the development and assessment of the identified competencies. Ensuring this alignment can take time, particularly if there are multiple components to be coordinated.
  5. Iterative refinement: Like Rubric development, mapping competencies is an iterative process. It often involves revising and refining the initial draft based on feedback, testing, and ongoing evaluation. Each round of revision and refinement can add time to the overall process.

Considering these factors, the time required to create and map competencies in a course can range from several weeks to several months. It depends on the complexity and scope of the course, the expertise and familiarity of the course creator, the level of collaboration and feedback sought, and the iterative refinement process. Additionally, it's worth noting that skills or competency mapping is often an ongoing process that may require periodic updates and adjustments to reflect changes in the field, educational standards, or student/learner needs.

Yes! Using the LTI standard, CYPHER can publish courses into any other LMS that uses LTI. This means you get more than just beautiful course content. You also get engaging and comprehensive gamification, assessments, competencies, reporting and measurement when using the CYPHER platform. See more about LTI

Yes! We have enterprise-class integration capabilities that make it easy. See more about integrations.

As part of CYPHER AI 360 with Copilot, we offer AI Crosscheck, a powerful tool that reviews and flags inconsistencies in AI-generated content. It identifies errors, provides reasons for these flags, and suggests replacement text. Users can then choose to apply or ignore these suggestions, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the content.

To help address:

  • Content inaccuracy: ChatGPT-3, the generative-AI tool, “agreed with incorrect statements between 4.8 percent and 26 percent of the time, depending on the statement category.” view source
  • Content bias: USC researchers find bias in up to 38.6% of ‘facts’ used by AI.

CYPHER leverages multiple paid Generative AIs to provide AI-enabled skill management and complete course creation. The distinctions between free and paid generative AI services are crucial, particularly in how they handle data. Here’s a closer look at the key differences:

  • AI data usage and privacy policies: Free generative AI services often collect and use user data for service improvement and advertising, with broader data usage policies. In contrast, paid AI services offer stricter privacy policies, providing users with better data control and compliance with regulatory standards.
  • AI data ownership and rights: Free AI tools often grant providers extensive rights to use and share your data, including with third parties and for training models. In contrast, paid AI services typically offer greater control over data ownership, with agreements that limit the provider's ability to use or share data without explicit user consent.
  • AI security measures: Free AI services generally lack advanced security features, such as dedicated support, advanced encryption, and industry compliance. Paid AI services often provide enhanced security features, including compliance with regulations like GDPR and HIPAA, along with additional security controls and continuous monitoring.
  • AI support and accountability: Free AI services typically offer limited support through community forums or basic help articles, with lower accountability for data breaches or misuse, while paid AI services provide dedicated support and clear accountability.
  • AI transparency and compliance: Free AI services may lack transparency in data handling and compliance with privacy regulations, while paid AI services offer greater transparency, compliance with industry standards, and detailed data handling assurances.

Read our "Free vs. Paid AI Services: Navigating the privacy and security landscape" blog to learn more.

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